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What to include in management review minutes?
Management review minutes for an EMS typically include a summary of discussions, decisions, and actions taken during the management review meeting, as well as conclusions on the suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness of the EMS. They cover key topics such as the organization's environmental performance, compliance with legal requirements, achievement of objectives, evaluation of risks and opportunities, resource allocation, audit results, and feedback from interested parties. Additionally, the minutes may include identified improvement opportunities, action plans, responsibilities, and timelines. These minutes record the management review process and provide guidance for implementing necessary actions and monitoring progress. These minutes record all issues discussed, even if brief, to prove that all issues have been considered.

Company A prepares a report as a table with the inputs for the management review and space for, during the meeting, to point out notes on what was discussed, decisions, and actions. In the end, there is a space to evaluate the EMS's suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness.

Company B keeps as records the management review report with inputs and the management review meeting minutes.