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Create a learning program for ISO 27001 for a new consultant
To create a learning program for a new ISO 27001 consultant, you can follow these steps:

1. Start with the ISO 27001 Foundations Course to learn the basics of the standard.
2. Proceed with the ISO 27001 Lead Implementer Course to gain competency in implementing the standard in organizations.
3. Consider taking the ISO 27001 Lead Auditor Course to understand auditing against ISO 27001 requirements.
4. Utilize documentation toolkits to support implementation and schedule meetings with experts for guidance.
5. Gain practical experience by working on information security projects within organizations or with established consultants.
6. Continuously improve your skills through self-study, working with seasoned professionals, formal education, and training opportunities.

By following this structured learning path, a new ISO 27001 consultant can build a strong foundation of knowledge and skills to excel in the field.