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How to prepare for emergency situations?
To prepare for emergency situations in line with ISO 14001, the following steps should be performed:

1. Identify Potential Emergencies: Determine environmental emergencies like spills, leaks, or natural disasters that could impact the organization.
2. Develop Plans: Create response plans outlining actions, responsibilities, and communication during emergencies, considering potential impacts.
3. Training and Drills: Train employees on emergency procedures and conduct drills to ensure readiness and familiarity with response protocols.
4. Resources and Equipment: Ensure the availability of necessary resources, such as spill kits and safety equipment, to effectively manage emergencies.
5. Communication: Establish communication channels to notify relevant stakeholders, authorities, and the public during emergencies.
6. Review and Improve: Regularly review and update emergency plans based on lessons learned from drills and actual incidents to enhance preparedness.