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How to make sure employees comply with security policies and procedures?
To make sure employees comply with security policies and procedures, follow these best practices:

1. **Write understandable documents**: Tailor the documents to the audience, using simple language for smaller companies and familiar formats for larger ones.
2. **Review and get input**: Send documents for review to several people who will need to comply with them to gather valuable input and gain their commitment.
3. **Approval by authority**: Ensure documents are approved by an authorized person with significant authority to increase compliance likelihood.
4. **Training**: Train employees on new activities or technologies defined by the documents to prevent incorrect actions or avoidance.
5. **Awareness**: Make employees aware of the importance of these documents to prevent negative attitudes.
6. **Regular updates**: Update documents regularly to prevent them from being ignored.

Additionally, for information security specifically, make employees aware of the need for security policies, train them to identify and manage required policies, and set up processes for compliance review.